Take Back the Color

Performance | 2021

The color white is prevalent in our surroundings. The things that are white are usually very artificial and industrialized. But if you look into nature, there aren’t as many white things as we think there would be. At the very beginning, white doesn’t mean anything. We are trained by industrialization and consumerism to believe that white is the good color.

This project is not only about the color white. It is about the ideas and preferences that industrialization and consumerism have fed us with. It is a rebellion of a discipline that is artificially and arbitrarily made. I want people to be able to take back the color, and take back control over their life choices.

Part 1

Part 1 of the project is a performance containing four sections: discovery, rant, breakthrough and transcendence. At the end of the performance, I took the audience onto the stage and took off my white clothing one by one. Through these four sections of performances, I illustrated the process of breaking through the barrier of white color and retrieving all colors on myself.





 Part 2 - Market

In part 2, I joined a creative market to exchange objects with the visitors. I laid out a number of objects, mostly food, painted white. Visitors can use any items with colors to exchange for any of the white objects at my place. Some people walked away. Some people participated. Some participated more than once.

The Young Adults

The Art Enthusiast

- “I’ve got to participate.”

The Walked-Away

“Thank you I’m good.”

The Kids

The Freest Minds - “We’ll come back with more stuff!”