The Prison

Interactive Installation | 2021


Wood, cardboard, paper, Chinese painting paper, fabrics


12’x 12‘ x 7’

This work created a liminal space between reality and ridicule that represents the experience of modern social media. Imagery of the emotions brought by social media - the happiness, the vanity, the anxiety, etc. - sits in space for people to experience. Five surveillance cameras in the space capture behaviors of the viewers/participants, talking about voyeurism and surveillance on social media.

By presenting these everyday actions in a recognizable but ridiculed form, I attempt to slow modern people down from their mindless quick consumption of mass media information and draw their attention to these usually taken-for-granted actions. I invite people to reinvestigate the usage of social media, the gain we obtain, and the invisible cost we pay as we put ourselves into the avatar world that is not as far away as it seems to our personal life.


Mood Board

Sketch Model
